Branches of the main departments were opened on the basis of the large mining –metallurgical plants: the Balkhash copper-smelter, the Ust-Kamenogorsk zinc-lead plant, the Leninogorsk polymetallic mill, etc. as well as in a number of research institutes of AS of KazSSR.
The faculty of technical officers was established where the specialists of mining and metallurgy, oil and gas, geological, power and construction industries of the USSR undertook an internship and attended retraining courses.
The graduate of the year was Kazbek Valiyev, a climber and the first Mt.Everest Kazakh summitter, “The Snow Leopard”, Master of Sports of International Class, Honored coach of Kazakhstan in mountaineering.

Valery Khrishchaty

K. Valiyev. Photo taken in 1982
Based on the power faculty of KazPTI, Almaty Power Institute (at present Almaty University of Power and Communication) was created.

For the first time in the history of KazPTI, the foreign students from Cuba, Vietnam, Cameroon and Syria began to study at the faculties of automatization and computer sciences, geological-prospecting and mining. The special faculty for the foreign students studying in KazPTI was opened.

Based on the architectural and construction-engineering faculties of KazPTI and the Almaty branch of the All-Union Extramural Construction-Engineering Institute, Almaty Architectural and Construction Institute was founded in Alma-Ata.
In recognition of training the qualified specialists and development of the scientific research, KazPTI named after V.I. Lenin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

By now, more than 1100 people were employed at the Institute. These included 1 academician, 10 corresponding members of AS of the Kazakh SSR and 5 Lenin and State prizewinners of the USSR. The first steps towards the Kazakh language teaching were taken at the Institute that marked an important stage in the history of the higher education institutions in Kazakhstan. In five years, the Institute submitted 746 applications for inventions, 411 positive decisions and 4 patents were received. The research work of 8 scientists was recognized by the Council of Ministers of KazSSR with K.I.Satpayev awards, 4 scientists were elected as corresponding members of AS of KazSSR. 19 employees of the Institute defended their Doctoral theses while 145 defended their Master’s theses.
The students KazPTI took part in the December events, which became the first step towards the independence of Kazakhstan.

The scientists of the Institute conducted a specialized and complex ecological-engineering-geological and groundwater survey on a scale of 1:20000 in the Eastern part of the Aral See region. The results of the research data subsequently became the basis for the full range of activities that were initiated to save the Aral Sea.

The results of XIIth five-year plan:
New trends were developed in the field of geology and hydrogeology including the use of the magnetic fields interpretation results of the marine section of the Peri-Caspian Lowland. Such unique work was carried out for the first time and was unrivaled throughout the world.