Yerengaip Malikovich Shaikhutdinov

Yerengaip Malikovich Shaikhutdinov, a corresponding member of Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of chemical sciences, Professor became KazPTI Rector. In the same year, University’s "Bulletin of KazNTU" scientific journal was established, which highlights the scientific achievements of professors, teachers and graduate students. Mangystau subsidiary of KazPTI transformed into Aktau Polytechnic University named after Sh.Yessenov. In 1994, Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I.Lenin was transformed into Kazakh National Technical University. University has become the base universities for large foreign companies operating in Kazakhstan, such as Siemens and Schlumberger that have supplied their latest developments, computers, educational modeling and software tools for educational laboratories. In 1999, in the year of 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician Kanysh Satbayev, the name of the outstanding scientist was assigned to the Kazakh National Technical University. During these years, mutually beneficial relations were established with many educational institutions in England, Italy, Canada, Finland, Japan, Germany, America. E.M. Shaikhutdinov personally was the coordinator of EU Tempus-TACIS program between three universities: Lakvilsky (Italy), London (Great Britain) and KazNTU (Kazakhstan).