Ashir Zhanaliyevich Burkitbayev

Ashir Zhanaliyevich Burkitbayev was appointed as the first director of KazMMI, he graduated from Ural-Kazakhstan Industrial Academy with honors. Ashir Zhanaliyevich headed the first engineering and technical institute in the history of Kazakhstan, practically created from scratch, was engaged in very laborious work - the formation of the teaching staff. To solve the given problem, he had to travel a lot to large industrial regions of the Union, central universities, inviting major scientists and teachers. He managed to solve that difficult problem. Professors A.F.Voitsekhovsky, V.A.Glazkovsky, N.K.Skakovsky, E.D.Shlygin, I.I.Bok, A.A.Yermekov, P.M.Koshulko, A.S.Ponomorev, G.C.Medoyev, E.A.Zabotina and others arrived at the Institute for teaching. Since the beginning of the academic year, there were 145 students. At that time, only one geological exploration faculty functioned at the Institute, with three courses in two specialties: exploration of ore and oil fields and engineering hydrogeology. In 1935-1936, two more specialties were opened at the Institute: exploitation of deposits and metallurgy of non-ferrous and heavy metals. In the first academic year, the Institute had 10 departments. The condition of the premises was poor, the living premises were extremely small. Out of the 17 frame-reed houses that were transferred to the Institute at the time of its organization, one was adapted for the academic building, the rest for laboratory classes. Among the teachers of those years, Alimkhan Abeuovich Yermekov, a graduate of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, was a colorful personality. The first Kazakh is a mathematician, professor, author of a textbook on higher mathematics in the Kazakh language. During those years, the first ensemble of dombrists was created. In 1938, A.Zh.Burkitbayev was a victim of Stalinist repression, in 1958 he was fully rehabilitated.