Serikbai Bazarbayevich Bazarbayev

Serikbai Bazarbayevich Bazarbayev, a graduate of Moscow Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold Institute named after M.I. Kalinin, was appointed as Institute Director. S.B. Bazarbayev continued the work started by A.Zh. Burkitbayev to further improve the material and technical base as well as teaching staff creation. Students' industrial practice took place in quite favorable conditions. A lot of help for establishing the first engineering and technical educational institution was provided by Kazregional Committee and Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR. Industrial organizations and geological exploration and mining enterprises provided the institute with the necessary equipment, devices, and machines. The industrial practice of KazMMI students took place in quite favorable conditions, and it had a positive effect on the deepening of knowledge. With the purpose to attract teaching staff, the government introduced material incentives in the form of allowances to teachers’ official salaries in the amount of 30% (for remoteness from the center). For teachers engaged in research work, an additional payment of 50% of the basic monthly salary was established. Certain allowances were established to the salaries of teachers for knowledge of the Kazakh language and socio-economic (social) disciplines. In the pre-war years, a galaxy of young Kazakh teachers grew up at the Institute: M.H.Mamyrov, H.T.Bektassov, M.N.Azerbayev, R.M.Maskeyev, K.Suingaliyev and others.